Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Autopsy Confirms Kermit Gosnell Killed Woman in Botched Abortion

Philadelphia, PA | 3/27/13 3:09 PM
A medical examiner testified in the Kermit Gosnell murder trial Tuesday and testified that an autopsy confirmed that abortion practitioner Kermit Gosnell killed a woman in a failed abortion.

Gosnell Attorney Tries to Hide Evidence He Killed Woman in Abortion

Philadelphia, PA | 3/27/13 11:03 AM
The Kermit Gosnell murder trial opened Tuesday with a heated dispute over the prosecution’s toxicology expert witness that soon degenerated into a loud shouting match between defense attorney Jack McMahon and Judge Jeffery Minehart, who ordered McMahon to sit down.

Virginity is a Sacred Choice, Not a Shameful Status

Washington, DC | 3/27/13 3:44 PM
Our society is obsessed with talking about sex, regardless if you’re having it or not.

Mom With Tumor Credits Her Unborn Baby With Saving Her Life

London, England | 3/27/13 12:45 PM
Mom With Tumor Credits Her Unborn Baby With Saving Her Life

Virginia: Does Terry McAuliffe Back Taxpayer-Funded Abortions?

Richmond, VA | 3/27/13 11:23 AM
Virginia: Does Terry McAuliffe Back Taxpayer-Funded Abortions?

Alabama Seeks to Shut Down Abortion Biz Operating Without License

Montgomery, AL | 3/27/13 12:03 PM
The Alabama state health department is looking to shut down an abortion business in Birmingham that is operating illegally without a license.

Kansas Bill Banning “Wrongful Birth” Lawsuits Heads to Brownback

Topeka, KS | 3/27/13 1:33 PM
Kansas Bill Banning “Wrongful Birth” Lawsuits Heads to Brownback

Iowa: Pro-Lifers Join Planned Parenthood to Defeat Bill Stopping Abortions

Des Moines, IA | 3/27/13 10:06 AM
The first funnel date came and went and all pro-life bills went with it.

North Dakota Now First State to Ban Abortions Based on Down Syndrome

Bismarck, ND | 3/26/13 3:47 PM
North Dakota Now First State to Ban Abortions Based on Down Syndrome

Judge Dismisses EWTN Lawsuit Against Obama HHS Mandate

Washington, DC | 3/26/13 5:42 PM
A federal judge has dismissed the lawsuit a Catholic television network filed against the HHS mandate that compel it to pay for birth control and drugs that may cause abortions for its employees.

Baby Found Abandoned in Dumpster, Umbilical Cord Still Attached

Houston, TX | 3/26/13 7:05 PM
As expected a Houston judge on Monday granted ongoing custody of Baby Chloe to Child Protective Services (CPS).

Abortion, Population Control Not a Method to Reduce Poverty

Washington, DC | 3/26/13 1:13 PM
Abortion, Population Control Not a Method to Reduce Poverty

Liberal Euthanasia Activists Redfining Sedation Into Killing

Washington, DC | 3/26/13 3:07 PM
There is an ongoing–and potentially lethal–discussion ongoing in bioethics and moral philosophy that wouldredefine death

San Francisco Attempts to Silence Pro-Life Sidewalk Counselors

Washington, DC | 3/26/13 4:23 PM
To hear pro-aborts talk, you’d think the only thing keeping the United States from being a “reproductive freedom” paradise is the fact that Americans who disagree have the audacity to insist on keeping their own rights,

The Fight to Stop Population Control in Philippines Continues

Washington, DC | 3/27/13 4:12 PM
The Fight to Stop Population Control in Philippines Continues

Abortion Activists Compare Pro-Life Christians to the Taliban

Washington, DC | 3/27/13 2:43 PM
Abortion Activists Compare Pro-Life Christians to the Taliban

Indiana Panel OKs Bill to Limit Dangerous Abortion Drug

Indianapolis, IN | 3/27/13 1:57 PM
An Indiana legislative committee today approved a bill supported by the state’s leading pro-life group to limit the dangerous abortion drug RU 486 and protect women’s health.

ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, NPR and PBS Ignore Gosnell’s Abortion Horrors

Washington, DC | 3/27/13 10:23 AM
ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, NPR and PBS Ignore Gosnell’s Abortion Horrors

Obamacare Funnels $75 Million to Planned Parenthood to Push Sex on Kids

Washington, DC | 3/27/13 11:37 AM
Obamacare Funnels $75 Million to Planned Parenthood to Push Sex on Kids

Group Helps People With Depression Whose Siblings Killed in Abortion

Washington, DC | 3/27/13 1:11 PM
Are you the sibling of one of the 55 million children who have been aborted in America since 1973?

Florida Man Arrested for Punching Girlfriend Who Refused Abortion

Tallahassee, FL | 3/27/13 12:23 PM
A Florida man has been arrested for punching his ex-girlfriend after she refused to have an abortion.

North Dakota Governor Signs Bill Banning Most Abortions

Bismarck, ND | 3/26/13 12:38 PM
North Dakota Governor Signs Bill Banning Most Abortions

Ex-NARAL Prez Blames Pro-Lifers for Gosnell Snipping Babies’ Necks

Washington, DC | 3/26/13 5:02 PM
Ex-NARAL Prez Blames Pro-Lifers for Gosnell Snipping Babies’ Necks

HHS Mandate Draws More Opposition Than Any Obama Admin Policy

Washington, DC | 3/26/13 1:41 PM
A new report indicates the controversial pro-abortion HHS mandate has drawn more opposition than any other federal government regulation.

Abortion Doctor Uses Bankruptcy to Evade Malpractice Lawsuits

Detroit, MI | 3/26/13 3:21 PM
Abortion Doctor Uses Bankruptcy to Evade Malpractice Lawsuits

Stop Using the Liverpool Care Pathway as Backdoor Euthanasia

London, England | 3/26/13 4:44 PM
My colleague, Paul Tully, SPUC’s general secretary, has issued the following stark appeal this afternoon concerning the Liverpool Care Pathway.

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